Bouquet Preservations

  • Wedding Bouquets

    Flowers from your special day can be preserved into a charming resin mould or they can be pressed into an elegant frame to cherish forever, just like your love!

  • Special Bouquets

    Flowers from personal event such as graduations, proposals, and bereavement services can be preserved into a charming resin mould or flowers can be pressed into an elegant frame to cherish forever in your home.

Preservation Styles

  • Flowers will be pressed or dried in silica gel to keep shape depending on the preservation style you choose.

    Hexagon: Size 10.15 X 5.07 X 2”

    Square: Size 5.82 X 5.82 X 3”

    Arch: Size 7 X 6.8 X 2.05”

    Book Ends: Size 6” X 5” X 2” (Ordered as Pair)

    Ring Stands: Large variety of shapes and sizes; inquire for more information

    ❀Tea Light Candle Holders: (3 shapes)

    ❀Flat Round

    ❀Tall round

    ❀Pebble shape

    ❀ Other silicone molds that are not listed are still available

  • 16 x 20

  • Large variety of bezel shapes for every style

    Pressed flower earrings; no bezel

wedding bouquet preservation