Bouquet Preservations
Wedding Bouquets
Flowers from your special day can be preserved into a charming resin mould or they can be pressed into an elegant frame to cherish forever, just like your love!
Special Bouquets
Flowers from personal event such as graduations, proposals, and bereavement services can be preserved into a charming resin mould or flowers can be pressed into an elegant frame to cherish forever in your home.
Preservation Styles
❀ Flowers will be pressed or dried in silica gel to keep shape depending on the preservation style you choose.
❀ Hexagon: Size 10.15 X 5.07 X 2”
❀ Square: Size 5.82 X 5.82 X 3”
❀ Arch: Size 7 X 6.8 X 2.05”
❀ Book Ends: Size 6” X 5” X 2” (Ordered as Pair)
❀ Ring Stands: Large variety of shapes and sizes; inquire for more information
❀Tea Light Candle Holders: (3 shapes)
❀Flat Round
❀Tall round
❀Pebble shape
❀ Other silicone molds that are not listed are still available
❀ 16 x 20
❀ Large variety of bezel shapes for every style
❀ Pressed flower earrings; no bezel